In the spirit of God’s goodness, we will use our talents making and selling candy. Our profits will go to charities helping those in need in our community.

Supporting Statements

  • Matthew 25-40 “Whatsoever you do for my people you do for me.”
  • We acknowledge our limited ability to identify needy individuals and therefore we will use the skills of existing charities to identify true charitable needs in our area.
  • We will accept requests for help from charities already showing an ability to make good use of our funding.
  • In our operations we will make every effort to do all our work with only volunteers.
  • We will strive to manage our expenses with diligent attention to costs and seeking donations of needed items if possible.
  • Our Financial accounting will be reviewed by responsible outside persons yearly.
  • We will maintain our 501C3 status in all our operations.
  • Always remembering the Goal of Sister Regina “Helping those in need with profits from candy sales.”